Call for applications 04-10-2016

International Award "UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea for the life science research"


Established by the Executive Board at its 180th session on the initiative of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, this award is to reward scientific projects and activities of individuals, institutions, other nongovernmental entities or organizations for the life science research to help improve the quality of human life. It is part of UNESCO's efforts to promote research and the establishment and development of networks of centers of excellence in the life sciences. The prize is awarded to a statuette, a diploma and a check in the amount of $ 300 000 United States can be divided equally between up to three winners, each of which is considered worthy for the price. The winners will be chosen by the Director-General of UNESCO in the light of the evaluation of applications made by an international jury and on his recommendation. Convinced of your interest in promoting research in the life sciences, I hope you will be able to submit nominations for this award. Please find the text of the statutes of the prize attached, as well as guidelines for the submission of applications. These must be submitted using the attached form and no later than December 31, 2016 at the following address:

Secretariat of the International UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea Price for Life Sciences Research Sector of Natural Sciences UNESCO

7 Place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP France

Such. : +33 1


More information and application form